Because rest is not enough

Oxeia Biopharmaceuticals is a team of passionate scientists, biotech leaders, and athletes dedicated to bringing a safe and effective concussion therapy to market.

Oxeia Biopharmaceuticals is a team of passionate scientists, biotech leaders, and athletes dedicated to bringing a safe and effective concussion therapy to market.


“Historically, we have minimized and ignored concussion injuries. Treatment is focused on the symptoms and not a cure.  Back when I was playing sports, “getting your bell rung” and going back into the game was a rite of passage.  Yet, if I hurt my knee or ankle, I’d be carried off the field and sent to get an MRI.  Today, we know that there can be significant and long-lasting and significant damage after a single concussion. Millions of people continue to suffer for weeks, months, years and even lifetimes as a result of a lack of effective treatments.  It is clear that the primary therapy to date is inadequate to address the needs of millions that continue to suffer from daily after sustaining a concussion.  Rest is not enough.“

Dr. Michael Wyand
CEO, Oxeia Biopharmaceuticals